Let Yourself Surrender
I tried to write this blog post t h r e e times and failed. Not because I didn’t know what to say or how to say it but because I couldn’t bring myself to relive this season of my life.
Pleasantly Anticipating the Hands of Fate: My Spinraza Journey – PT. 3
So, on the ride up to Boston yesterday morning, I started recounting all of my body's little victories and defeats as far back as I could remember, and one time stood out in particular.
Pleasantly Anticipating the Hands of Fate: My Spinraza Journey – PT. 2
"I'm so sorry, Alyssa," my surgeon said for the umpteenth time. "I'm so sorry that was more difficult than the last time. "Although my first procedure went incredibly well, that didn't guarantee the second time around would be the same.
Pleasantly Anticipating the Hands of Fate: My Spinraza Journey
Although the odds were somewhat stacked against me, I knew the only choice I had was to proceed with the opportunity. I've waited for this my entire life- I had to, at least, try.

About the blogger
Oh, well, hey there! The name’s Alyssa, and I’m just a girl in a complicated world, pursuing a life that brings joy and good coffee. Consider me your virtual BFF for real talks, pep talks, and everything in-between.