Blog Archives

The blog archives are filled with pep talks, snippets of life with a disability, and random musings I’ve written about over the years. For recent writings, find me on Instagram or SMA News Today.

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Personal Alyssa Silva Personal Alyssa Silva

The Sky’s the Limit

Even on a cloudy day, this view is pretty remarkable... am I right?! I remember leaving this venue for the first time with a gut feeling that this was where our next Working On Walking fundraiser had to take place.

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Personal, Spinraza Alyssa Silva Personal, Spinraza Alyssa Silva

A Spinraza Update PT. 2

After about an hour of prep and precise positioning, my surgeon leaned over and said, “anything we can do comfort-wise before we start?” I took a deep breath to release the tension in my body. “A vodka soda would be great,” I sassily replied as humor is often the path I take when I’m feeling anxious.

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Personal Alyssa Silva Personal Alyssa Silva

If These Four Walls...

If these walls could talk, they'd tell a tale of a girl who stayed in her pajamas for days at a time and ate her feelings in doughnuts and coffee. It would be a pretty anticlimactic and boring tale, but that's just because it was the current state of her life.

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Alyssa is smiling at the camera with a brown hat on

About the blogger

Oh, well, hey there! The name’s Alyssa, and I’m just a girl in a complicated world, pursuing a life that brings joy and good coffee. Consider me your virtual BFF for real talks, pep talks, and everything in-between.